Mini Ren Acupuncture
Master Key for Pain Treatment
Mini Ren Acupuncture therapy is developed on the basis of traditional small blade needle to target superficial fascia nodules, muscle spasms, and scar adhesive tissues. It is a very effective, revolutionary, minimally invasive therapy to treat various soft tissue injury pains, nerve compressions, dysfunctions, etc. Mini Ren Acupuncture is a therapy that integrates traditional Chinese and Western medicine, and is based on the four core theories of: 1) Abnormal tension theory; 2) Adhesion scar theory; 3) Myofascial trigger point theory; 4) Three-dimensional meridian theory.
Mini Ren Acupuncture Education & Training to further your career
We are offering Practical Education Workshops for acupuncture therapist, physiotherapist, pain doctors, naturopath doctors and chiropractors to learn Mini Ren Acupuncture Therapy!
Expert educators
We’re passionate about ensuring our students succeed. That’s why we invest in our instructors so they can pass on their expertise and knowledge to our students
Online Consultations
Gain hands-on experience in a virtual medical environment. Workshops provide you with the knowledge and skills to consult with your pain therapist remotely.
Global Classroom
A complete built-in social network for connecting with our students. The only online course platform that helps your achieve success in pain treatment.
Why choose Dr Guojian Huang
As pain medicine is continuously evolving, it can sometimes be challenging to stay up to date. If we want to provide the best patient care possible, it is important to continuously keep educating ourselves. That is where Dr Guojian Huang's continuing education comes in.
Dr Huang's online continuing education courses is a great way to stay current on the latest techniques and procedures to understand the causes of pain, and easily treat chronic soft tissue pain by this fundamental mini ren acupuncture therapy!
Easy Accessible
High Quality
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2023 Upcoming Workshops
MRA workshop on Ankang Acupuncture Clinic in Winnipeg
This workshop focuses on practical training of mini ren acupuncture, and is just the beginning to your operation of MRA therapy. Only 10 seats available!
MRA shadowing and workshop on Ankang Acupuncture Clinic in Winnipeg, only 3 seats available!
Develop skills in this workshop that will build your confidence, and can be immediately applied to general practice.
MRA workshop on Ankang Acupuncture Clinic in Winnipeg
With our hands on practical and up to date information, you will have the confidence to start providing high quality and cost-effective pain management for many cases. Only 10 seats available!
MRA workshop on Ankang Acupuncture Clinic in Winnipeg
This workshop focuses on practical training of mini ren acupuncture, and is just the beginning to your operation of MRA therapy. Only 10 seats available!
MRA workshop on Ankang Acupuncture Clinic in Winnipeg
This workshop focuses on practical training of mini ren acupuncture, and is just the beginning to your operation of MRA therapy. Only 10 seats available!
MRA shadowing and workshop on Ankang Acupuncture Clinic in Winnipeg, only 3 seats available!
Develop skills in this workshop that will build your confidence, and can be immediately applied to general practice.
MRA shadowing and workshop on Ankang Acupuncture Clinic in Winnipeg, only 3 seats available!
Develop skills in this workshop that will build your confidence, and can be immediately applied to general practice.
MRA shadowing and workshop on Ankang Acupuncture Clinic in Winnipeg, only 3 seats available!
Develop skills in this workshop that will build your confidence, and can be immediately applied to general practice.
MRA shadowing and workshop on Ankang Acupuncture Clinic in Winnipeg, only 3 seats available!
Develop skills in this workshop that will build your confidence, and can be immediately applied to general practice.
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